WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:00.600 Corinne: They would like. 2 00:00:00.600 --> 00:00:02.530 Jose Scott: This meeting is being recorded. 3 00:00:02.760 --> 00:00:03.560 Sixth Sense: Okay. 4 00:00:05.640 --> 00:00:08.890 Jose Scott: I like the idea because it's very hard to find substitutes. 5 00:00:09.570 --> 00:00:10.250 Corinne: Hmm. 6 00:00:10.460 --> 00:00:15.080 Sixth Sense: I know. Where do you pull from, Mr. Bryant? When there is a when you? There is a need for this. 7 00:00:15.560 --> 00:00:22.239 David Bryant: So that's the issue. That I mentioned earlier to the Finance Committee is that we currently are using in house staff to do subbing 8 00:00:22.250 --> 00:00:28.430 David Bryant: the subs that we had the previous 2 years. Didn't reach. We reached out to them and they didn't reach back. 9 00:00:28.440 --> 00:00:31.279 David Bryant: I don't think they were interested in returning to sub. 10 00:00:31.490 --> 00:00:33.859 David Bryant: and I'd rather actually have in house. 11 00:00:33.910 --> 00:00:35.080 Corinne: How does it do that. 12 00:00:35.080 --> 00:00:41.550 David Bryant: Rather than contracting out outside of our school. 13 00:00:41.910 --> 00:00:42.590 Sixth Sense: Yeah. 14 00:00:43.210 --> 00:00:45.869 Sixth Sense: And ces may be able to help with that. 15 00:00:48.660 --> 00:01:03.090 Corinne: Something else that we used to do, or something that we do at that school also is we don't allow teachers to cash out their leave until they've been with us for 3 years, so I don't know if that's something that Mr. Bryant or the Board wants to consider. 16 00:01:05.545 --> 00:01:06.703 Jose Scott: I like that. 17 00:01:08.430 --> 00:01:16.510 Sixth Sense: I like it, too, but it won't work for this, I mean, but it it would be. It's kind of tough, because I think everybody's new at the school right now, right. 18 00:01:17.430 --> 00:01:21.699 David Bryant: We have a lot of new staff this year. So maybe it's something that we could grandfather in. 19 00:01:23.770 --> 00:01:24.623 Sixth Sense: Yeah, because 20 00:01:25.740 --> 00:01:28.169 Sixth Sense: because with the new staff and all that, it's 21 00:01:28.730 --> 00:01:31.380 Sixth Sense: it'll take 3 years for them, too. 22 00:01:31.540 --> 00:01:37.270 Sixth Sense: to be able to access that but in the meantime, you know, the absences will continue. 23 00:01:37.480 --> 00:01:40.063 Sixth Sense: and that's not too much of a help with 24 00:01:40.380 --> 00:01:42.570 Sixth Sense: The fact that we're trying to grow again. 25 00:01:46.400 --> 00:01:52.803 Jose Scott: So let's do, let's do this with this policy. If you, we get more information, then we can. 26 00:01:53.400 --> 00:01:59.148 Jose Scott: on this, and how I I. We already talked about this in our finance meeting, but in our next meeting we can 27 00:01:59.440 --> 00:02:05.289 Jose Scott: bring it up again, and then we can see the taking action on that? Does everybody? Can everybody agree with that? 28 00:02:05.720 --> 00:02:11.419 Sixth Sense: Yeah. So we don't even have to table it. This was just discussion, okay, yeah. 29 00:02:11.430 --> 00:02:17.589 David Bryant: We just wanted to see if everybody was on board with it before we drafted the language for it and presented it as an official policy. 30 00:02:18.141 --> 00:02:22.058 David Bryant: So we'll work on that and then present it at the next meeting. 31 00:02:22.590 --> 00:02:23.430 Jose Scott: Sounds good. 32 00:02:24.050 --> 00:02:27.529 David Bryant: The next discussion item is the updated financial policy. Miss Corinne. 33 00:02:29.510 --> 00:02:32.150 Corinne: Yes, so let me pull that up. 34 00:02:32.470 --> 00:02:34.289 David Bryant: You need me to pull that up on my screen. 35 00:02:34.800 --> 00:02:35.920 Corinne: Oh, sure. 36 00:02:39.660 --> 00:02:46.369 Corinne: So this update is just because of a requirement by an updated Gatsby rule. 37 00:02:46.410 --> 00:02:50.530 Corinne: Gatsby, are the rules that we have to follow for accounting. 38 00:02:50.740 --> 00:02:58.349 Corinne: and this is these are the auditors will review our policies to make sure that our policies are in compliance with gasb. 39 00:02:58.440 --> 00:03:01.989 Corinne: It's a little further down, I think, under the Assets section. 40 00:03:02.300 --> 00:03:14.330 Corinne: and then also they'll they'll compare what we have in policy to what we are. The process that we're doing within the school. So what this is related to is 41 00:03:14.440 --> 00:03:18.939 Corinne: previously there, right in there, there should be a highlighted section. 42 00:03:19.529 --> 00:03:26.229 Corinne: Previously, if any item that we purchased was more than was worth more than $5,000 when we purchased it. 43 00:03:27.220 --> 00:03:34.920 Corinne: Then we we had to capitalize it, or put it on a list that you all are used to approving it once a year at a board meeting. 44 00:03:35.100 --> 00:03:40.229 Corinne: So now the Gatsby rule recommends that if there is a purchase where 45 00:03:41.040 --> 00:03:46.309 Corinne: there are multiple items for a common purpose. 46 00:03:46.330 --> 00:03:51.330 Corinne: and that the total equals what they call a significant amount. 47 00:03:51.410 --> 00:03:58.099 Corinne: that those items be also included into our capital asset schedule. 48 00:03:58.160 --> 00:04:06.519 Corinne: So you may remember, I think the school received a few audit findings in the past because the capital assets were not depreciated correctly. 49 00:04:06.650 --> 00:04:07.565 Corinne: So. 50 00:04:08.900 --> 00:04:20.839 Corinne: It's it's my. There really is no reason for a school to have to have a significant amount of capital assets, especially a charter school, because we don't go out for bonds. 51 00:04:20.870 --> 00:04:33.419 Corinne: and we can't get loans from a bank, which that's what they would look at. So really, what if we were to go out for a loan, for example, for a building. They would be more interested in our chances for renewal. 52 00:04:33.580 --> 00:04:50.850 Corinne: and then also our cash balance. So to have to add more items on as assets, and would not not positively affect us, if anything, adding, having a low threshold would cause us to have to add more items which would increase our chances for an audit finding. 53 00:04:50.910 --> 00:05:01.419 Corinne: which is another item that the that lenders look at or audit findings, because we would have several items say, for example, we purchased 50 chromebooks. 54 00:05:01.700 --> 00:05:09.070 Corinne: and then we decided that we were going to capitalize those. That's 50 items that there's a chance for an error on that, even if it's a dollar. 55 00:05:09.180 --> 00:05:16.710 Corinne: the auditors have to issue a finding for that. So my inclination is to have as high of a threshold as we can. 56 00:05:16.810 --> 00:05:19.170 Corinne: and to define 57 00:05:19.440 --> 00:05:33.120 Corinne: what? What would be a common, a definition, so that we could define what a common goal would be. So I put items that are valued at less than 5,000 per item, but are purchased in aggregate within a 3 month time. Frame 58 00:05:33.270 --> 00:05:35.220 Corinne: for a single objective. 59 00:05:35.270 --> 00:05:37.850 Corinne: and is a hundred 50,000 or greater. 60 00:05:37.950 --> 00:05:44.389 Corinne: and then going along with other capital assets, has a useful life of 5 years or longer will be recorded as a capital asset. 61 00:05:44.460 --> 00:05:50.070 Corinne: So I included the 3 months, because usually say, for example, when we purchase our building and we want to buy 62 00:05:50.640 --> 00:06:02.709 Corinne: 200 desks, or it might be more then, and it equals this threshold of 150,000, or greater, then that would all be included. But say, we purchased 63 00:06:03.250 --> 00:06:08.420 Corinne: 150 desks at 1 point, and then we purchase another 29 months later. 64 00:06:08.620 --> 00:06:17.729 Corinne: It's not for the same goal. For some reason we decided to purchase another 20 debt, purchase another 20 desks down the road, and that would exempt those 20 desks from being included. 65 00:06:17.960 --> 00:06:21.579 Corinne: I chose a hundred 50,000, because, from doing research 66 00:06:21.880 --> 00:06:47.469 Corinne: of what other auditing firms have recommended. They recommended 2 to 3%, and in the example that the Irs gave, they gave, I think it was 115,000 was their threshold. So in applying the 2 to 3%, that's how I came up with 150,000, and then 5 years. Lifespan is just the general consensus for assets life. 67 00:06:47.530 --> 00:06:50.610 Corinne: So are there any questions or comments on this. 68 00:06:52.900 --> 00:06:53.949 Jose Scott: I haven't. 69 00:06:55.100 --> 00:06:55.760 Corinne: Okay. 70 00:06:57.440 --> 00:07:00.149 Jose Scott: Whatever is feasible for audit. That's 71 00:07:00.430 --> 00:07:01.829 Jose Scott: that's my question. 72 00:07:02.000 --> 00:07:06.480 Jose Scott: If this is feasible for our audit. Yes, agreeing with it. 73 00:07:06.480 --> 00:07:07.299 Sixth Sense: Yeah, cause I'm. 74 00:07:07.300 --> 00:07:07.900 Corinne: Okay. 75 00:07:08.330 --> 00:07:15.660 Corinne: I believe it would be so. They'll review it, and if they have any feedback they won't issue a finding this year, but they may provide feedback. 76 00:07:15.760 --> 00:07:29.930 Corinne: and then, if they do provide feedback that seems justified and we don't fix it, then they'll give us a finding next year, so I recommend. If there are no more other questions or comments. I recommend this addendum to our financial policy 77 00:07:30.230 --> 00:07:33.129 Corinne: for the capitalizing of assets. 78 00:07:35.170 --> 00:07:37.839 Jose Scott: Can I entertain a motion to approve? 79 00:07:42.480 --> 00:07:43.440 Esteban: I motion. 80 00:07:43.810 --> 00:07:44.450 Sixth Sense: Go ahead! 81 00:07:45.680 --> 00:07:46.720 Jose Scott: Go ahead! Gloria! 82 00:07:46.720 --> 00:07:48.210 Sixth Sense: And I second. 83 00:07:49.030 --> 00:07:51.030 Jose Scott: Okay? Who made the motion? I didn't hear. 84 00:07:51.030 --> 00:07:51.750 Esteban: I did. 85 00:07:52.470 --> 00:07:54.030 Jose Scott: Okay, so okay. 86 00:07:54.320 --> 00:07:57.400 Jose Scott: And Gloria, you second that right? Thank you. 7. 87 00:07:57.640 --> 00:08:01.990 Jose Scott: Okay, Mr. Dave. David, can you? Give us a roll call, please? 88 00:08:01.990 --> 00:08:03.450 David Bryant: Mr. Gonzalez. 89 00:08:03.450 --> 00:08:04.500 Jimmy: Yes. 90 00:08:04.500 --> 00:08:05.410 David Bryant: Nicole. 91 00:08:05.600 --> 00:08:06.075 Esteban: Yes. 92 00:08:06.550 --> 00:08:07.290 David Bryant: Where is that? 93 00:08:07.510 --> 00:08:08.330 Sixth Sense: Yes. 94 00:08:08.330 --> 00:08:09.529 David Bryant: And Mister Scott. 95 00:08:09.530 --> 00:08:10.340 Jose Scott: Yes. 96 00:08:11.920 --> 00:08:13.050 Corinne: Thank you. 97 00:08:13.050 --> 00:08:13.810 Jose Scott: Thank you. 98 00:08:14.870 --> 00:08:30.899 David Bryant: And I commended Corinne earlier, but I want to do it again. Here, too, the auditors have said nothing but positive things about the audit process being very smooth, and Corinne's been very diligent about submitting everything that's been asked for. So thank you. Corinne just wanted to take a moment to publicly. Thank you. 99 00:08:31.610 --> 00:08:32.196 Corinne: Thank you. 100 00:08:32.860 --> 00:08:34.900 Sixth Sense: Thank you. Thank you. Corinne. 101 00:08:36.012 --> 00:08:43.190 David Bryant: Next up we have our additional final action items, election of new members and officers for Atda. Governing council 2425. 102 00:08:46.800 --> 00:08:50.360 Sixth Sense: Okay? So who's a new member? 103 00:08:51.690 --> 00:08:53.159 Sixth Sense: The parent. 104 00:08:53.380 --> 00:09:07.329 David Bryant: Miss Thelma Aguilar is a parent of one of our students who just joined this year. And very helpful with us the last few weeks, and we can tell she's a very involved parent, and we'll do great things for our school. So 105 00:09:07.722 --> 00:09:11.450 David Bryant: the recommendation is to accept her as a board member. 106 00:09:11.690 --> 00:09:15.969 Sixth Sense: Is she on right now? Oh, okay. Can we see you. 107 00:09:17.170 --> 00:09:18.620 Delma: Of course. Hi! 108 00:09:19.080 --> 00:09:19.750 Jose Scott: Hi. 109 00:09:20.620 --> 00:09:24.110 Jose Scott: Dylan, can you tell us a little bit about yourself, please, and 110 00:09:24.570 --> 00:09:27.080 Jose Scott: she can get the risk? The Board members? 111 00:09:27.340 --> 00:09:28.250 Jose Scott: This 112 00:09:28.700 --> 00:09:33.079 Jose Scott: I know, you're doing fantastic things at the school, but give us a little background about yourself. 113 00:09:33.970 --> 00:09:40.159 Delma: Okay, yes. My name is Delma Aguilar. My student is in 9th grade. Her name is Delilah. 114 00:09:40.560 --> 00:09:45.559 Delma: She's special needs. What else can I say? I love the school? 115 00:09:45.700 --> 00:09:53.594 Delma: It's amazing. They've done so much for my daughter. They just they help her and support her. 116 00:09:54.620 --> 00:10:00.430 Delma: They've taught her so much, and she's just a joy to. She loves the school as well. 117 00:10:01.170 --> 00:10:03.112 Delma: She makes friends 118 00:10:04.230 --> 00:10:06.519 Delma: all around. They, you know I get. 119 00:10:06.540 --> 00:10:08.989 Delma: We get support all over. So. 120 00:10:10.910 --> 00:10:12.830 Sixth Sense: Well, thanks for your interest, because. 121 00:10:12.830 --> 00:10:13.510 Jose Scott: Yes. 122 00:10:14.460 --> 00:10:19.579 Delma: And I I tell everybody about the school I mean I want it to grow as well. 123 00:10:19.910 --> 00:10:21.840 Jose Scott: Yeah, thank you. Yeah, that's great. 124 00:10:22.910 --> 00:10:25.059 Sixth Sense: Well, I I accept her. 125 00:10:25.310 --> 00:10:26.310 Sixth Sense: Oh, thank you. 126 00:10:26.320 --> 00:10:26.920 Jimmy: Awesome. Yeah. 127 00:10:27.130 --> 00:10:29.229 Jose Scott: You make a motion, Gloria. 128 00:10:29.230 --> 00:10:34.100 Sixth Sense: Oh, do we? Okay? I make a motion to accept. Accept. Delma. What is your last name? Delma? 129 00:10:34.100 --> 00:10:35.150 Delma: Aguilar. 130 00:10:35.150 --> 00:10:38.572 Sixth Sense: Aguilar to to be our parent 131 00:10:40.620 --> 00:10:44.030 Sixth Sense: parent member for the governing council. Atta. 132 00:10:44.500 --> 00:10:46.229 Jose Scott: Can I entertain a second? Please. 133 00:10:47.900 --> 00:10:48.860 Jimmy: I'll second. 134 00:10:49.770 --> 00:10:50.320 Jose Scott: Great. 135 00:10:50.320 --> 00:10:53.210 Delma: Thank you, appreciate it. Welcome aboard. 136 00:10:53.940 --> 00:10:56.600 Jose Scott: David, give us a roll call, so we can make this official. 137 00:10:57.200 --> 00:10:58.210 David Bryant: Mr. Cold? 138 00:10:58.420 --> 00:10:59.270 Esteban: Yes. 139 00:10:59.270 --> 00:11:00.950 David Bryant: Mr. Gonzalez. 140 00:11:00.950 --> 00:11:01.415 Jimmy: Yes. 141 00:11:02.950 --> 00:11:03.330 Sixth Sense: Yes. 142 00:11:04.760 --> 00:11:06.230 David Bryant: And Mister Scott. 143 00:11:06.690 --> 00:11:07.560 Jose Scott: Yes. 144 00:11:09.510 --> 00:11:11.629 David Bryant: Thank you. Thank you. Welcome aboard. Ms. Aguilar. 145 00:11:12.070 --> 00:11:14.009 Delma: Thank you for having me. I appreciate it. 146 00:11:14.210 --> 00:11:15.060 Jose Scott: Welcome! 147 00:11:16.520 --> 00:11:16.930 Delma: Awesome. 148 00:11:17.300 --> 00:11:18.370 Sixth Sense: And now we 149 00:11:18.960 --> 00:11:24.230 Sixth Sense: are we doing the officer bit? Now we're changing, or we're you're are we going to 150 00:11:24.530 --> 00:11:25.540 Sixth Sense: vote 151 00:11:26.120 --> 00:11:30.579 Sixth Sense: for new positions or change positions, or something to that effect. 152 00:11:32.460 --> 00:11:35.540 David Bryant: Yeah, it's I think we have tabled that from last time. So we wanna make. 153 00:11:35.540 --> 00:11:36.120 Jose Scott: Yes. 154 00:11:36.120 --> 00:11:37.540 David Bryant: Officers in place. 155 00:11:41.000 --> 00:11:43.083 Sixth Sense: I nominate Mr. Scott again. 156 00:11:45.110 --> 00:11:46.809 Sixth Sense: I'm just joking, Scotty. 157 00:11:48.090 --> 00:11:49.350 Jimmy: Yeah, well. 158 00:11:50.270 --> 00:12:08.230 Jose Scott: Let me say I don't mind being the President, but I've been the President for the last 5 years. If my feelings when that get hurt if somebody wants to be president. Okay, but I'd love you know what we've been doing but if nobody wants to be 159 00:12:08.260 --> 00:12:12.630 Jose Scott: up for the President, then I will accept that. But it's all up to you guys. 160 00:12:17.160 --> 00:12:23.690 Sixth Sense: I I I know that we wanted to step down and things like that, but I think maybe we should go the semester. 161 00:12:24.130 --> 00:12:27.880 Sixth Sense: And then we table table this again to in January. 162 00:12:28.690 --> 00:12:31.640 Sixth Sense: to at least go a semester with the new members and the whole bit 163 00:12:33.990 --> 00:12:35.260 Sixth Sense: a recommendation. 164 00:12:37.540 --> 00:12:50.426 Esteban: Well, I would I would. Just a comment on that one. I would say that, Mr. Scott. He's been doing a lot of you know a lot of the groundwork along with Mr. Brian, and maybe past administration so we do thank you for all the work that you've done. 165 00:12:51.210 --> 00:12:53.390 Esteban: I know. You know. I know 166 00:12:53.470 --> 00:12:57.729 Esteban: charter schools. I know education not very well, you know. I 167 00:12:58.060 --> 00:13:03.060 Esteban: I've been teaching for the last 12 years, and especially charter schools. That's my expertise. 168 00:13:03.140 --> 00:13:10.809 Esteban: But as a new board member, you know, hopefully, I bring more things to the table. But if Mr. Scott is willing to keep doing that 169 00:13:10.840 --> 00:13:14.489 Esteban: really important work as we move forward, especially 170 00:13:14.540 --> 00:13:17.849 Esteban: thinking about purchasing property. 171 00:13:18.160 --> 00:13:28.239 Esteban: I think it's a good idea if he can still help us with that. But if if you guys think otherwise, and if if you don't wanna do it, then we can pick somebody else. 172 00:13:30.800 --> 00:13:35.759 Sixth Sense: Do you need somebody for finance? And Stephan, you you joined the meeting in earlier. 173 00:13:35.870 --> 00:13:37.040 Jose Scott: Yes, he sure did. 174 00:13:37.250 --> 00:13:40.040 Sixth Sense: So, so I would like to nominate you for treasure. 175 00:13:45.710 --> 00:13:59.539 Jose Scott: Again, guys, I think I do appreciate the fact that you, you know about being the President and all that. And I've been in it for 5 years, and again my feelings will not be heard if somebody else says I want to take that position. 176 00:13:59.550 --> 00:14:13.150 Jose Scott: but I will, if you want me to. I will continue, and especially it's been great working with David. He. He's a thinker. He thinks out of the box, and he's done a lot of good things. So but yeah. 177 00:14:13.491 --> 00:14:20.120 Jose Scott: whatever the the board, the rest of the board feels, it's and I do agree that Mr. Cole should be the treasurer. 178 00:14:22.870 --> 00:14:24.030 Sixth Sense: Do you accept? 179 00:14:24.750 --> 00:14:25.160 Esteban: Yes. 180 00:14:25.570 --> 00:14:26.280 Jose Scott: Okay. 181 00:14:26.280 --> 00:14:26.890 Jimmy: Yeah. 182 00:14:26.890 --> 00:14:29.439 Sixth Sense: Then do we need a secretary? 183 00:14:30.140 --> 00:14:31.020 Jose Scott: Yes. 184 00:14:31.690 --> 00:14:32.680 Sixth Sense: So. 185 00:14:32.680 --> 00:14:33.550 Jose Scott: Jimmy. 186 00:14:33.880 --> 00:14:35.290 Sixth Sense: Or Miss Aguilar, or somebody. 187 00:14:35.290 --> 00:14:36.389 Jose Scott: Is regular. 188 00:14:38.790 --> 00:14:40.609 Delma: So you you need a secretary. 189 00:14:41.180 --> 00:14:41.810 Jose Scott: Yes. 190 00:14:41.810 --> 00:14:44.518 Sixth Sense: We need a secretary's position which 191 00:14:45.210 --> 00:14:48.810 Sixth Sense: I don't know exactly what the secretary does 192 00:14:48.910 --> 00:14:51.470 Sixth Sense: other than be a member. Right? 193 00:14:51.690 --> 00:14:54.869 Sixth Sense: So it's not gonna take extra time. 194 00:14:55.970 --> 00:14:59.550 Corinne: If I may. May I? May I say something? Sure. 195 00:14:59.550 --> 00:15:00.319 Jose Scott: Go ahead! 196 00:15:01.015 --> 00:15:17.609 Corinne: It's it's a good internal control to have the secretary or someone on the board. Usually it's the secretary. Take the minutes that way just in that way that avoids any sort of con like, what's the word? Trying to think? What's this? Something, something conflict. I just lost it. 197 00:15:17.640 --> 00:15:23.139 Corinne: But instead of having a school employee do them, because then something could 198 00:15:23.180 --> 00:15:26.630 Corinne: be altered on the minutes. In a way that 199 00:15:26.650 --> 00:15:29.140 Corinne: is better for the school. 200 00:15:29.726 --> 00:15:34.489 Corinne: I've seen that happen personally at a school where the head administrator was 201 00:15:34.510 --> 00:15:42.839 Corinne: not doing what he should be. Not that I think that Mr. Bryant is doing that at all, but just saying that that's a good internal control, a good practice. 202 00:15:42.840 --> 00:15:45.029 Sixth Sense: Isn't the recording taking care of that, though. 203 00:15:45.530 --> 00:15:57.269 David Bryant: I was, I was gonna add that I think the bonus now is that technology is helping take notes, too. But really I been with Sue Fox about the meeting minute meeting. Sorry meeting minutes. I got that back. 204 00:15:57.982 --> 00:16:07.930 David Bryant: And and she indicated that we don't have to necessarily have it be verbatim all the way through, because then it would be cumbersome to have the board approve those minutes every single month. 205 00:16:08.080 --> 00:16:29.230 David Bryant: But I did purchase the AI tool that takes notes. And so it record. We have the recording in place. We'll have those as a starting point for the secretary, but on top of that it also transcribes what everybody says. And so if we if the secretary missed anything, or maybe misheard something, the transcription can help translate those minute minutes into the agenda. 206 00:16:29.430 --> 00:16:35.269 David Bryant: And so I think it's what I'm saying. What I'm trying to say is that it's easier now to be a secretary than it was, I think, in years past. 207 00:16:36.200 --> 00:16:43.850 Jose Scott: Well, Ms. Aguilar accepts the position of secretary. I'm for it. My nomination is for Ms. Aguilar to be the secretary. 208 00:16:45.080 --> 00:16:49.940 Delma: Yes, especially if you know, there's gonna be recordings. And AI is gonna help a lot. 209 00:16:51.330 --> 00:16:53.779 Jose Scott: Hey, guys, hey, I. 210 00:16:53.920 --> 00:16:58.829 Sixth Sense: I think, basically, you would just have to just review it. And if you had any questions, I will. 211 00:16:59.360 --> 00:17:02.269 Sixth Sense: Well, if it's being recorded, there's no really. 212 00:17:02.680 --> 00:17:04.760 Sixth Sense: Question about it, because there it is. And 213 00:17:05.260 --> 00:17:06.000 Sixth Sense: yeah. 214 00:17:06.470 --> 00:17:09.499 Delma: And if there's no competition, nobody else wants the position right. 215 00:17:10.880 --> 00:17:12.880 Jose Scott: Nobody's jumping on it. 216 00:17:13.250 --> 00:17:16.949 Sixth Sense: Somebody could go with my position. I'm I'm Vice President. 217 00:17:19.030 --> 00:17:20.800 Delma: No worries, sounds, good. 218 00:17:21.180 --> 00:17:22.209 Sixth Sense: Okay, thank you. 219 00:17:22.800 --> 00:17:25.509 Sixth Sense: So I think we're good. 220 00:17:26.730 --> 00:17:39.849 Jose Scott: Let's let's go ahead. Let's do this. Let's do this the right way. Let's go ahead and entertain a motion to accept the new board member, Miss Aguilar, and to accept the governing Council members. 221 00:17:39.850 --> 00:17:45.949 Sixth Sense: Already accepted the Ms. Aguilar. But now we just need to do move for the positions. 222 00:17:47.070 --> 00:17:49.630 Jose Scott: Okay? Again, anybody want to be president. 223 00:17:51.680 --> 00:17:54.260 Jose Scott: Okay? Vice President, Gloria. 224 00:17:54.790 --> 00:17:56.087 Sixth Sense: Anybody wanna be? 225 00:17:57.730 --> 00:17:59.520 Sixth Sense: I'll I'll I'll stay with position. 226 00:17:59.520 --> 00:18:05.726 Jose Scott: Okay. Mr. Cole, thank you for the position of of the Finance 227 00:18:06.960 --> 00:18:10.630 Jose Scott: Secretary and Ms. Aguilar for being the 228 00:18:10.740 --> 00:18:16.129 Jose Scott: the Secretary for for the for the minutes. I just. I just went blank. 229 00:18:16.520 --> 00:18:17.679 Sixth Sense: Do we move on that. 230 00:18:18.400 --> 00:18:20.390 Jose Scott: Let's go ahead and do that and make that. 231 00:18:20.390 --> 00:18:25.870 Sixth Sense: I make a motion that we accept Mr. Cole as the finance, the treasurer. 232 00:18:25.930 --> 00:18:36.029 Sixth Sense: and a position for the Atda Governing council, and Ms. Aguilar to be the secretary for a position for the Atda governing council. 233 00:18:36.480 --> 00:18:43.899 Jose Scott: Okay. The motion is made by Ms. Garza Gloria for the positions of the governing council. Can I entertain a second, please. 234 00:18:44.620 --> 00:18:45.640 Esteban: I second. 235 00:18:46.950 --> 00:18:48.869 Jose Scott: Thank you, Stefan. 236 00:18:49.540 --> 00:18:52.130 Jose Scott: Mr. Brown, can you give us a roll call? Please. 237 00:18:52.130 --> 00:18:53.710 David Bryant: Yes, sir. Ms. Are you there? 238 00:18:55.240 --> 00:18:55.900 Delma: Present. 239 00:18:56.575 --> 00:18:57.820 David Bryant: Missed your call. 240 00:18:58.300 --> 00:18:59.040 Esteban: Yes. 241 00:18:59.250 --> 00:19:00.290 David Bryant: Ms. Garza. 242 00:19:00.470 --> 00:19:00.850 Sixth Sense: Yes. 243 00:19:01.440 --> 00:19:02.690 David Bryant: Mr. Gonzalez. 244 00:19:02.920 --> 00:19:03.820 Jimmy: Yes. 245 00:19:03.820 --> 00:19:04.819 David Bryant: And Mister Scott. 246 00:19:05.000 --> 00:19:05.870 Jose Scott: Yes. 247 00:19:09.350 --> 00:19:14.380 David Bryant: Okay, that passes. So the last item on our agenda is to confirm the scheduling of our next meeting. Mr. Scott. 248 00:19:14.820 --> 00:19:18.499 Jose Scott: That would be October the 16, th if I if I'm correct, right. 249 00:19:19.410 --> 00:19:20.010 David Bryant: Let me see. 250 00:19:20.010 --> 00:19:22.140 Sixth Sense: Yeah, looks like it. 251 00:19:22.140 --> 00:19:23.199 Jose Scott: Well, if we. 252 00:19:23.200 --> 00:19:29.980 Sixth Sense: We go a month away. We're looking at October 23rd 20 second. No, you're talking. 253 00:19:32.590 --> 00:19:36.129 Sixth Sense: You're talking October 15, th right for. 254 00:19:36.130 --> 00:19:37.990 Jose Scott: 3 50. Excuse me. Yes. 255 00:19:38.790 --> 00:19:42.079 Sixth Sense: And if we wanna go a month it's October 20. 256 00:19:42.080 --> 00:19:42.989 Jose Scott: 20 second. 257 00:19:43.280 --> 00:19:45.715 Sixth Sense: Yeah, but we went late this time. But 258 00:19:46.970 --> 00:19:48.990 Sixth Sense: but it it doesn't matter. I mean. 259 00:19:49.600 --> 00:19:51.070 Sixth Sense: that's fine with me. 260 00:19:51.540 --> 00:20:00.749 Jose Scott: So let's let's have our meeting October 15.th Oh, well, let's do this. If everybody agrees with the Council. Once we hear from Christine Duncan. 261 00:20:01.320 --> 00:20:03.909 Jose Scott: Then we can put it on our 262 00:20:03.950 --> 00:20:09.449 Jose Scott: for the meeting of October 20. Second. Anybody any any questions or comments about that? 263 00:20:09.500 --> 00:20:10.890 Jose Scott: What do you think, David? 264 00:20:11.440 --> 00:20:17.799 David Bryant: I think. October 20 second makes more sense, because that will allow us to have the full information about what Cdh's board. 265 00:20:17.800 --> 00:20:19.820 Sixth Sense: Mean that that one's on the 16? th Yeah. 266 00:20:19.820 --> 00:20:23.119 Jose Scott: Right. Any any board members, comments. 267 00:20:25.110 --> 00:20:26.719 Jimmy: I agree, yeah. 268 00:20:27.370 --> 00:20:28.670 Esteban: That's perfect. 269 00:20:28.790 --> 00:20:42.090 Jose Scott: Okay, thank you, gentlemen, thank you. Thank you. So our next Board meeting can I have a motion to have our next Board meeting? October 20 second at 5 30, finance meeting at 5 o'clock. 270 00:20:44.910 --> 00:20:45.969 Delma: I'll make a motion. 271 00:20:45.970 --> 00:20:47.410 Jose Scott: Maybe I don't want to make the motion. 272 00:20:48.210 --> 00:20:49.669 Sixth Sense: Okay. She made the motion. 273 00:20:49.670 --> 00:20:50.899 David Bryant: Mama made the motion. 274 00:20:51.260 --> 00:20:52.700 Sixth Sense: I Miss Aguilar. Yeah. 275 00:20:52.700 --> 00:20:53.440 David Bryant: Thank you. There. 276 00:20:53.730 --> 00:20:55.920 Jose Scott: Can I entertain a second? Please. 277 00:20:55.920 --> 00:20:57.190 Esteban: An isecond. 278 00:20:57.190 --> 00:20:58.259 Jose Scott: Thank you. 279 00:20:58.600 --> 00:20:59.610 Jose Scott: It's cold. 280 00:20:59.770 --> 00:21:02.519 Jose Scott: Okay, we'll call Mr. Brandon. 281 00:21:02.520 --> 00:21:04.100 David Bryant: Oh, Mister Scott! 282 00:21:04.100 --> 00:21:04.960 Jose Scott: Yes. 283 00:21:06.170 --> 00:21:06.860 Sixth Sense: Yes. 284 00:21:07.240 --> 00:21:08.120 David Bryant: Regular. 285 00:21:08.639 --> 00:21:09.159 Delma: Yes! 286 00:21:09.160 --> 00:21:10.280 David Bryant: Mr. Cole. 287 00:21:10.280 --> 00:21:11.010 Esteban: Yes. 288 00:21:11.010 --> 00:21:12.210 David Bryant: Mr. Gonzalez. 289 00:21:12.210 --> 00:21:13.140 Jimmy: Yes. 290 00:21:14.010 --> 00:21:17.429 Jose Scott: Thank you, folks, and then can I entertain a motion to adjourn? Please. 291 00:21:18.230 --> 00:21:20.849 Sixth Sense: Make a motion to adjourn today's meeting. 292 00:21:21.280 --> 00:21:21.850 Sixth Sense: Thank you. 293 00:21:21.850 --> 00:21:23.500 Jose Scott: Gloria, Second. 294 00:21:26.120 --> 00:21:27.139 Sixth Sense: I said. 295 00:21:27.140 --> 00:21:27.890 Delma: Check it. 296 00:21:27.890 --> 00:21:29.427 Jose Scott: Thank you. Okay. 297 00:21:29.990 --> 00:21:32.989 Jose Scott: okay, we have a roll call, please, Mr. Brad. 298 00:21:32.990 --> 00:21:34.280 David Bryant: Mr. Gonzalez. 299 00:21:34.280 --> 00:21:35.050 Jimmy: Yes. 300 00:21:35.050 --> 00:21:36.250 David Bryant: Mr. Cole. 301 00:21:36.410 --> 00:21:36.800 Esteban: Yes. 302 00:21:38.190 --> 00:21:39.050 Delma: Yes. 303 00:21:39.050 --> 00:21:40.420 David Bryant: Ms. Garza. 304 00:21:40.420 --> 00:21:41.060 Sixth Sense: Yes. 305 00:21:41.060 --> 00:21:42.130 David Bryant: And Mister Scott. 306 00:21:42.400 --> 00:21:49.010 Jose Scott: Yes, thank you. Folks. Time is 6, 32. All of you guys have a great week. Okay, be careful. 307 00:21:49.010 --> 00:21:49.760 Jimmy: See everybody. 308 00:21:49.760 --> 00:21:51.419 Esteban: So, much. Okay. 309 00:21:51.420 --> 00:21:52.460 Jose Scott: You guys. 310 00:21:52.460 --> 00:21:53.710 Corinne: Good one. Good night. 311 00:21:54.090 --> 00:21:55.090 Delma: Good night. 312 00:21:55.270 --> 00:21:56.009 Jose Scott: Good night.